Modern Control Engineering
This book introduces important concepts in the analysis and design of control systems. Readers will find it to be a clear and understandable textbook for control system courses at colleges and universities. It is written for senior electrical, mechanical, aerospace, or chemical engineering students. The reader is expected to have fulfilled the following prerequisites: introductory courses on differential equations, Laplace transforms, vectormatrix analysis, circuit analysis, mechanics, and introductory thermodynamics.This edition of Modern Control Engineering is organized into ten chapters.The outline of this book is as follows: Chapter 1 presents an introduction to control systems. Chapter 2 deals with mathematical modeling of control systems.A linearization technique for nonlinear mathematical models is presented in this chapter. Chapter 3 derives mathematical models of mechanical systems and electrical systems. Chapter 4 discusses mathematical modeling of fluid systems (such as liquid-level systems, pneumatic systems, and hydraulic systems) and thermal systems
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Book informationValue
Publishing companyKatsuhiko Ogata
Publishing year2010
Capacity5.92 MB
Book languageEnglish