Free German Books - Kostenlose Deutsche Bücher: Lesen & Schreiben C1, C2
English C1, C2
Understanding and written expression. Level C1, C2 Skills Practice from the series practicing German, explanatory series and grammar exercises.
Comprehension and written expression. Skills practice of level C1, C2 belonging to the Deutsch üben series, series of explanations and grammar exercises.
Deutsch C1, C2
Verständnis und schriftlicher Ausdruck. Level C1, C2 Skills Practice aus der Reihe Deutsch üben, Erklärungsreihe und Grammatikübungen.
Comprehension and written expression. Skills practice of level C1,C2 belonging to the Deutsch üben series, series of explanations and grammar exercises.
Book informationValue
Publishing companyHueber
Publishing year2019
Book languageGerman